Language guess and its development (based on the example of students of non-linguistic specialities)


  • Albina Zabolotskaya
  • Natalya Madyakina


university student, foreign language, language guess, word-formation model, teaching methods


At present, expanding international contacts and modern socio-economic realities require a high level of proficiency in a foreign language from students of non-linguistic specialties and, above all, in the field of successful translation of professionally-oriented texts. Language guess, which is a significant component of compensatory competence and contributes to the activation of the chain of mental operations that ultimately lead the student to semanticize an unfamiliar lexical unit, both in writing and in speech, is considered one of the linguistic skills necessary for effective language learning. In this article, the language guess is considered as a developed linguistic skill, which is the result of all learning and life effects, participating in the independent semantization of language units taking into account various types of verbalized or non-verbalized supports. The mechanisms of formation and development of language guessing among students of non-linguistic specialties are determined. The main semantic supports are analyzed, the role of derivational elements, which contribute to the successful implementation of a language guess during translation, is revealed. The interrelation of language guess with context is substantiated. The features of the work on the development of students’ language guessing with a low and high level of language proficiency are noted. The presented main types of exercises reveal the possible phased work on this skill.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages