The development of communicative culture in teaching spanish


  • Alsu Galeeva
  • Veronika Gataullina


Linguistics, pedagogy, teaching methods, teaching methodology, communicative culture, communicative methods, communicative methodology, Spanish, learning Spanish, teaching Spanish


Until today in   the   science   the   process   of   learning   foreign   languages and the process of development individual's communicative culture has been considered separately. In   this   study we difine the possibility of   development a communicative culture in teaching Spanish. In the national tradition the methods of teaching Spanish are not represented as widely as, for example, the methods of teaching English, German, and French. There is a need for research on this topic. In this paper we consider the process of learning a language not only from the point of view of linguistics properly, but also from the point of view of the development of culture, in particular the communicative culture of students. The aim of our work is to conduct an ascertaining experiment using a questionnaire among students studying Spanish as a specialty, on the topic “Student's communicative culture”. According to the results of the experiment we succeeded:   to   establish    the    content    of    the    concept    of    communicative    culture in the understanding of students; find out which of its components have greatest importance from their point of view; to determine the students' opinion on the existence of a connection between learning Spanish as a specialty and the development of a communicative culture, and also to establish   how    this    relationship    is    expressed;    check    whether    students    are    aware of the methodology's essence by which they are taught the Spanish language, and whether they know that this technique is a communicative technique.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages