Language and style of S. Maugham in the view of the critics


  • Alsu Khafizova
  • Almira Garaeva


S. Maugham, realism, style, fictional method


The article studies on the basis of fictional works by the English writer Maugham some peculiarities of his individual style. Various points of view on the fictional manner of the author are presented, namely the arguments of Russian and foreign critics attributing Maugham to such literary trends as modernism, naturalism, and realism. Owing to the true representation of life realistic principle of his literary works is stressed. The path of formation of S. Maugham as the writer, genre diversity of his works, the topical character of the issues raised and fictional method are revealed, as well as particular linguistic features of the author’s prosaic and drama works.    Combination    of    bookish    and    colloquial    vocabulary    and    creation of occasionalisms make it possible to speak about peculiar individual style of S. Maugham.

The article also addresses to the experience of the author in British intelligence service as the source of material for his cycle of political short stories.



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Literary criticism