Citation in the texts of the rammstein group (evidence from the song “rosenrot”)


  • Ilmira Rakhimbirdieva


citation, intertextuality, poetic text, semantic transformation, linguistics


The results of the scientific research of works of Till Lindemann, the author of lyrics of the Rammstein group, are presented in the article within studying of the phenomenon of a citation in fiction and, in particular, of applications of citing in modern poetry. The large audience of listeners and admirers of this group allows to tell about a mass influence of Rammstein songs on contemporaries and increases the importance of a research of poetry of song texts, which include quotes of the classical works of art, focusing the attention of readers and awakening their interest in poetry and fiction in general. Authors studied functional features of transformation of quotes in song texts of the Rammstein group depending on type of such transformations as structural and semantic. The quote disguise as the peculiar reception of a language game complementing the quote with functions of means of expressiveness was shown in the poem on the example of comparison of the “Rosenrot” song with works by the German writers of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and brothers Grimm.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication