“Stream of consciousness” as an indicator of the growth and transformation of fiction


  • Daniya Zagidullina


tatar literature of the twentieth century, transformation of literature, psychologism, “stream of consciousness” as a technique, “stream of consciousness” as a type of narrative, internal monologue


The formation of the «stream of consciousness» in the Tatar literature of the early twentieth century as a form and method of psychologism is associated with the activation of interest in the inner life of a person, the world of his thoughts and feelings, conscious and subconscious processes (Sh. Kamala, F. Amirkhana, G. Ibragimov and G. Iskhaki, etc.). Psychological analysis or introspection in the beginning of the 1930s, ideological prohibitions slowed down experiments in Tatar literature in this direction. The image of the sphere of consciousness and, since the 1930s, ideological prohibitions have slowed down experiments in Tatar literature in this direction. The image of the sphere of consciousness and the unconscious, coupled with the use of symbols and associations, «returned» in the work of A. Eniki. In the story «Rasha» («Marevo», 1962), «stream of consciousness» of the main character Zufar, the secondary hero-Rashids allow you to recreate the inner life of their characters as carriers of a certain social and ethnic mentality, two opposite views of the representatives of the generation of Soviet people.


Список литературы

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Literary criticism