The acquaintance with the culture of english-speaking countries while teaching foreign language


  • Anna Kirpichnikova


intercultural communication, teaching English, cultural aspect


The article is devoted to cultural aspect realization while teaching foreign language and topicality of the problem is proven by large amount of conferences on intercultural communication which are held and by the course on cultural studies and anthropology included in curriculum. The authors point out that it is necessary not only to make students know customs and traditions of English-speaking countries but also to develop the tolerance to all other cultures. Knowledge of cultural features is considered as the essential part of successful communication and this knowledge is thought to be highly important to solve some communicative tasks. The lesson on the topic “Learning to live in society” from Spotlight is given as an example of successful use of intercultural communication foundations while teaching English. However, the cultural aspect is significant during teaching language not only at school but also in universities.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages