Increasing the effectiveness of teaching in the institutions for in-depth learning of english


  • Nailya Ibragimova


efficiency, development, ‘halo effect’, foreign language training, positive motivation, interdisciplinary or metasubjectlinks


The effectiveness of training is a set of skills, concepts, the ability to see the root of the cause, the establishment of causal relationships between phenomena and objects, the ability to explore and analyze the learning process, the ability to predict subsequent events, their development based on monitoring and analysis.

In recent years, interest in a foreign language has increased significantly, and English is increasingly becoming a means of international communication. And now the teacher cannot talk about the lack of interest among students to learning a foreign language, since knowledge of the language is   important   and   meaningful,   necessary in   the   modern   world.   Therefore, it is necessary to support the motivation to learn, strive to help and explain the students, engage them and overcome difficulties encountered in the process of learning. This may be gained, for example, on the base of “Halo Effect” which can psychologically influence students' motivation depending on the external setting. An experiment conducted with two groups of schoolchildren showed that the “Halo Effect” can play both a positive and a negative role in the subsequent educationalprocess: namely, the student either mobilizes all his internal resources or aims atfurther success, or everything happens exactly the opposite.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages