Pedagogical conditions of formation of intercultural communicative competence of students in the process of professional training in a non- linguistic university


  • Sofiya Zaripova
  • Svetlana Peretochkina


pedagogical conditions, intercultural communicative competence, foreign language, students of non-linguistic universities


The article deals with pedagogical conditions that are effective for the process of formation of intercultural communicative competence of students of non-linguistic universities. The definition of intercultural communicative competence of students of non-linguistic universities is given. The creation of a foreign language professional-oriented environment which contributes to the formation of the motivational orientation of the teacher and students activities in the process of achieving the goal of forming intercultural communicative competence is analyzed. The authors emphasize the need for joint study of a foreign language with the basics of professional disciplines and types of professional activity, as well as the use of innovative learning technologies to achieve the goal of developing intercultural communicative competence of non-linguistic universities students.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages