Developing of pragmatic competence in teaching Spanish as a foreign language


  • Olga Belkina
  • Torres Martínez Pablo


Spanish language, pragmatic, grammar, communicative method, speech acts


The article discusses the changes in the method of teaching Spanish as a foreign language. The authors are guided by the ideas of the founders of such methods as behaviorism, cognitive science, constructivism, the communicative   method   to   conclude   that   nowadays the student has lost his role as a listener, and the teacher as a narrator. Today, the student himself sets the goals of independent and valuable learning, and the teacher is an assistant and guide in the educational process. Grammar no longer plays an important role, since a communicative method has appeared in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. The purpose of the education is to learn to speak a foreign language, to express your thoughts and ideas. Long forgotten pragmatics helps in this process. This competency is almost not developed in Spanish classes, due to the fact that there are opinions that speech acts are the same in all languages, but this is not the case. A problem arises: how to teach in Spanish classes, how to present pragmatic competence, and what didactic resources help us with this.

The purpose of the article is to determine how to develop pragmatic competence in classes of Spanish as a foreign language and to offer a series of exercises for the practice of speech of the Spanish language.

The main results of this article: the teaching of foreign languages is no longer built solely on grammar. The authors came up with the idea that if a student during a lesson uses a foreign language without grammatical errors, then in free speech, in a real communicative situation, pragmatic errors can be observed, and they lead to misunderstanding and conflict. Therefore, it is important to focus teaching on real life situations in the form of dialogues with a pragmatic component.



Chomsky, Noam (1965). Aspects of the theory of sintax. (Traducción y apunte de la cátedra “Teoría y práctica de la lectura y la escritura” I, UNC, Neuquén). Cambridge, Mass.; MIT Press. (In Spanish)

Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (2002) Pp. 24 – 25 (In Spanish)

S. Pons Bordería. (2005). La enseñanza de la Pragmática en la clase de E/LE. Universidad de Valencia. Pp. 12–13 (In Spanish)

Lacorte, M. (2007). Lingüística aplicada del español. Madrid p.246 (In Spanish)

СVС, Centro Virtual Cervantes // URL: teca_ele/marco/cap_02.htm (accessed: 23.09.2019) (In Spanish)





Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages