Lexico-semantic features of the hydronymes of the Elabuga сounty


  • Almira Garaeva
  • Alsu Khafizova


onomastic studies, linguistic semantic features, toponymic stratum, hydronyms, ethnos, language


This article discusses the lingo-semantic characteristics of hydronyms of the former Elabuga County. An important task of the domestic onomastics is the in-depth study of the historic- linguistic material of onomastics, its detailed analysis. The scientific interpretation of the results obtained in the course of the research is a wealth of linguistic material for determining the laws of further development and formation of the language. Onomastic studies, revealing the secrets of the past, contribute to obtaining valuable material that reveals a whole complex of interrelated problems of the history of the region, ethnic group and the language itself. Hydronyms play an important role in clarifying the historical names associated with the resettlement of various peoples, and their influence on the development and enrichment of the language. Being one of the most ancient lexical layers, hydronymics is of great importance for the development of the entire onomastic system.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication