The problem of teaching special vocabulary in comprehensive school


  • Nadezhda Pomortseva
  • Svetlana Antonova


vocabulary, special vocabulary, clothing, fashion, foreign language, English


The article deals with the issues of teaching English vocabulary as one of the key tasks of modern Foreign Languages Teaching Methods in general. The authors discuss the problem of the feasibility and   quality of teaching the   special   vocabulary of   the   foreign   language in the comprehensive school on the materials of the topic Clothing. Fashion. The methodological basis of the research is the works of N. D. Galskova, R. Bart. The material for the practical part of the study was the texts of the popular modern school course books Spotlight (for general education schools) and Starlight (for schools with in-depth study of the English language). The results of the study showed an insufficient number of special vocabulary to consider this relevant topic, and also revealed the need for a more detailed consideration of the topic in the framework of the general education program.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages