Analysis of Xu Shen radical system in the works of modern researchers


  • Elizaveta Filipenko
  • Sofiya Silakova


Chinese language, key system, characters, radicals, Xu Shen, Showen Jiezi


Chinese writing has a close link with the culture of this country, which had an important impact on the evolution of the language. Radicals are basic symbol elements of Chinese writing, which have a special significance and meaning, but despite the fact that hieroglyphic radicals (keys) play a crucial role in mastering Chinese writing and their etymology allows us to trace the evolution of the development of hieroglyphic characters, this topic has been little studied in Russian synology In this connection, it is of a particular interest to modern researchers. Xu Shen was the first to create a system of classification Chinese characters by using basic graphic elements. This article describes some aspects of the modern analysis of the radical system of Chinese writing, presented by Chinese authors. This article presents a modern analysis of the first key system consists of 540 symbols created by Xu Sheng during the systematization of hieroglyphs in the dictionary "Showen jiezi", as well as data on options about reducing the number of radicals. The materials of this research can be used in further etymological and cultural studies, as historical changes in the elements of Chinese writing reflects the general socio-cultural changes in Chinese society.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication