Chicano satire in “Klail City” by Rolando Hinojosa


  • Maria Baranova


Chicanos, Rolando Hinojosa, Klail City, Chicano humor, satire, satirical discourse


The paper dwells on the satirical discourse of the Chicanos as a means of understanding Mexican-American problems in the novel Klail City (1987) by a Chicano novelist Rolando Hinojosa. Mexican-American and Anglo-American   worlds,   as   well   as   their cultural confrontations, are central to the novels of the writer. Melancholic and buffoonish humor of the Chicanos, represented by two groups of characters, the main and secondary ones, has several functions. The most significant are insider/outsider distinction, criticism of the outsiders and unity of the insiders based on shared/opposing views, withstanding hardship of life, breaking positive self-stereotypes, criticizing the community members for the loss of values. Nevertheless, social and cultural problems raised in the novel leads to the idea of gradual merging of Mexican-American and Anglo-American cultures and their mutual cultural enrichment.



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Literary criticism