Peculiarities of the paremiological fund of the french and Russian languages


  • Marat Yahin
  • Aida Kachigulova


linguistics, paremiology, proverb, paremiological unit, proverbial metaphors


The article   describes the features of the paremiological   Fund of French and Russian languages. The relevance of the topic is determined by the increased interest in the study of   paremiological   units   of   foreign   languages   through   comparative   analysis, the expansion of the scope of use and composition of proverb, and as a consequence, the need for in-depth study. The article reveals the content of the concept of “paremia”, formulated the tasks of paremiology as a scientific discipline, explores the paremiological Fund of Russian and French languages, identifies their common and different features. On the basis of comparative analysis of empirical material, the article presents the conclusions about the features of the paremiological units of the studied languages.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication