Communicative portrait as the main means of creating the character image (based on novel By Anthony Burgess “Doctor is sick”)


  • Svetlana Takhtarova
  • Denis Pavlov


communicative portrait, linguistic view of the world, literary character, speech portrait, communications behavior


This article discusses the concept of a communicative portrait and its role as a criterion of the social status of the character. Sustained and independent links between speech and the behavior of literary character in the social structure of society are revealed, and it leads to a better understanding of the content of the text. An analysis of the speech portrait of the protagonist of the novel “Doctor is Sick“, Edwin Priboy, is being carried out, while the attention is focused on the communications behavior of the person and his linguistic view of the world. It is noted that such a method predetermines the semantic structure of the text, its logical and compositional organization and communicative orientation. Particular attention is drawn to the author's desire to show the confrontation between the two "parallel worlds", which entails the reader identifying information encoded in the literary text. It is an extremely important aspect of understanding the plot of the book.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication