Chinese dictionaries of palladius (Кafarov) and F. W. Baller: similarities and differences


  • Sofiya Silakova
  • Elizaveta Filipenko


dictionaries, Chinese, Russian, English, Beijing Spiritual Mission, British Protestant Mission


This article presents a review and comparison of the two-volume Chinese-Russian dictionary of a member of the Beijing Spiritual Mission, Archimandrite Palladius (Kafarov) and the Chinese-English dictionary of the representative of the British Protestant Mission Frederick William Baller. These dictionaries are examples of the work of representatives of Christian missions (Orthodox and Protestant) who served in China and studied Chinese. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that dictionaries that were previously not considered together, published by different spiritual missions in approximately one period, were taken for comparison. This study was conducted to identify the main features of the similarities and differences in the approaches of missionaries to compiling dictionaries and learning Chinese. To achieve the goals set in the article, the method of content analysis, the method of external and internal analysis of sources were used. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were made. The missionary dictionaries compiled at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries have similar and different features, which indicates the difference in the scientific approaches of the missionaries who represent the different Christian missions that existed in China during the specified time period. Despite the differences, both dictionaries served as the basis for the further study of the Chinese language in different countries, which underlines their scientific significance for world sinology. The results obtained as a result of the study are of scientific importance for studying the experience of compiling Chinese dictionaries in Russia and abroad.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication