The peculiarities of literary translation (on the material of “the people of the abyss” book by Jack London and its Russian translation


  • Roza Оmаrоva
  • Gulsira Кenzhetayevа


culture, literary translation, communicative setting, cross-language communication, literature


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of literary translation as an act of cross- language communication to achieve equivalence with the original language; an attempt is made to systematize some theoretical studies on the problem of literary translation. The author also studies the use of translation transformations in the translation of literary texts from English into Russian to achieve an adequate artistic and aesthetic impact.

In this article, the authors conducted a more detailed analysis of the use of translation transformations    in    the    novel    “The   People    of   the   Abbyss”   Jack    London   translated by E. Kalashnikova.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication