Internet-memes in chinese mediasphere as a reflection of modern reality


  • Alfiya Alikberova
  • Dmitriy Balakin


Chinese Internet, modern vocabulary, Internet meme, media space, Chinese culture


The relevance of this problem is due to the penetration of the Internet in all spheres of life, including the increasing influence on the political views of the people. Internet memes are becoming a specific reflection of modern reality and a new kind of socio-political discourse. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the most popular Internet memes in the Chinese media space, to compare the main trends in modern Chinese and to determine their connection with key events within China and abroad. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are the system-structural approach and comparative-comparative analysis. The main result of the study is the identification of new linguistic and cultural characteristics in the compilation of the   Internet meme,   which in turn becomes   a reflection of the modern language picture of the world. Also, during the study, it was proved that most of the Internet memes are socially or politically colored, some of them penetrate from the unofficial Internet space to a higher language level, are included in the generally accepted active language reserve.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication