Specialised sublanguages and discourse in translation aspects


  • Olga Akimova


language, linguistics, English, term, LSP, sublanguage, translation, discourse


The necessity of efficient translation as a means of international communication in cooperation between different countries is absolutely vital. In this respect, for the effective level of mutual understanding in various specialised and professional domains it is necessary for any professionals and translators as well to admit that learning foreign languages should be aimed at analysing elements and structures of languages for special purposes (LSP), or sublanguages, to provide fruitful communication determined by specific data. The article highlights the problems of standard and non-standard units of LSP including terms and units of professional popular languages. Also the attention is focused on discourse analysis as some opportunity to characterise the properties of terms and non-terms in order to build specialised language competence in communication and translation. The examples for the research material are taken from the Civil Aviation Radioexchange Discourse in English and Russian; their translations are provided. The language material is particularly suitable for emphasising on terminology and practicing it in emulated processes of translation.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication