Frame modeling of the image of Russia in French media discourse


  • Liliya Abdullina
  • Jean Maxime Brisart Микаэль


media discourse, media text, newspaper discourse, slot, Russia


The article is devoted to formation of media-linguistics, whose focus of research is the media discourse, in Russian and foreign science. It highlights the method of frame modeling widely used in media linguistics. It focuses on the notion of frame-script, describes its structure of key topical subframes   consisting   of   slots.   The   necessity   of   applying   this   method in the description of Russia’s image representation in French newspaper discourse is justified. The comparative analysis of models of the frame-script "Russia" is carried out for two different time intervals. The subframes “Politique russe”, “l’UE”, “Gouvernement russe” and “l'Ukraine” are set as dominant for both periods. In subframes there were selected slots illustrated by examples of verbalization in newspaper discourse. Prevalence of some slots and the presence of others to a lesser extent are explained. It is concluded that the representation of Russia’s image in French newspaper    texts    varies    depending    on    the    events     happening     inside    the    country and in the international arena. The study of a country’s image in a foreign discourse cannot be considered as universal for foreign-language media picture of the world and is objective only in relation to a given period.



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Linguistics and intercultural communication