Classical and recent approaches to teaching foreign languages to journalism and media communication students


  • Svetlana Nikitina


journalism, , media communication, education, foreign language, student, professional communication


This study reveals the problem of teaching foreign languages to future journalists in the context of globalization and the large-scale development of information technologies. Attention   to   the   issue   of   learning   foreign   languages   is   dictated   by   their   special   role in the professional activities of journalists, which cover almost the entire world   geography and include systematic communication in a   foreign   language   with   native speakers. Under the conditions of constant transformations, it is not only the student audience that is changing, in particular, journalism and media communication students, by the example of which the high rate of transformations of the surrounding world becomes especially noticeable due to the specifics of their profession. Higher education, functioning in the age of the "digits", also undergoes great changes in terms of material selection and educational approaches. This article examines the feasibility of combining classical and modern educational technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to future journalists.

The article presents examples of how to apply the classical approach with tasks options based   on   the   peculiarities   of   journalism   and   media   communication   with   an   emphasis on the communicative approach, the need for which arises from personal characteristics formed by journalists in the process of their professional activity. Along with classical methods, modern formats for conducting classes in a foreign language are also introduced, for example working with authentic feature films and project activities in the form of video blogging.



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Innovative methods and competence-based approach in teaching foreign languages