The peculiarities of partnership learning communities in higher educational establishments


  • Natalia Kopylova


learning community, partnership, cooperation, interaction, partner


This article examines the peculiarities of partnership relations in university educational communities and the possibilities of different events on the basis of partnership. Partnership learning communities are at the centre, unifying all the areas of partnership activity, and providing a focus for developing partnerships in practice on the basis of cooperation and interaction between partners (activity subjects).



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Dunne, E. and Owen, D. (2013) So what does it all mean? In Dunne, E. and Owen, D. (Eds.). The student engagement handbook: Practice in higher education. Bingley: Emerald. Pp. 603–35. (In English)

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NUS (2012). A manifesto for partnership [Internet]. London: National Union of Students // URL: manifesto-for-partnerships/ (accessed 27.12.2018). (In English)

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Roth, W-M. and Lee, Y-J. (2006). Contradictions in theorizing and implementing communities in education. Educational Research Review. 1. Pp.27–40. (In English)

Rudduck, J. and Fielding, M (2006). Student voice and the perils of popularity. Educational Review. 58 (2), 219–31. (In English)

Sparqs (2012) Student engagement framework for Scotland [Internet] // URL: (accessed: 27.12.2018). (In English)

Tinto, V. (2003). Learning Better Together: The Impact of Learning Communities on Student Success. In: Promoting Student Success in College. Higher Education Monograph Series. Syracuse University. Pp. 1–8 (In English)

University of Leeds ([n.d.]) The Partnership [Internet] // URL: (accessed 27.12.2018). (In English)

Wenger, E. (2001). Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 194 р. (In English)

Williamson, M. (2013). Guidance on the development and implementation of a Student Partnership Agreement in universities [Internet]. Edinburgh: Sparqs // URL: (accessed 27.12.2018). (In English)





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