Verbalization of semantic oppositions with moral meaning in a contemporary literary text (on the novels by Sergei Minaev)


  • Anastasiya Mubarakshina


Russian language, vocabulary, morality, linguoculturology, literary text


In today's society firmly established the trend toward the devaluation of spiritual values, indifference, cruelty. Meanwhile, it is widely known that the word itself is originally of a moral nature. Therefore, the study of verbal units in the aspect of moral principles is connected with the statement about the need to consolidate the spiritual guidelines of the modern man, the native speaker. Language, for its part, determines the latter's belonging to a particular ethnic culture, embodying and accumulating its moral and mental characteristics. Culture also verbalizes key categories (concepts) through language, presenting their symbolic embodiment. These key concepts determine the linguistic picture of the iconic representatives of linguistic culture, being reflected in the artistic continuum of his works. This fact determines the relevance and importance of studying the   methods   of   verbal   representation   of   the   category   "morality-immorality" on the example of literary texts of the   modern   Russian-speaking   writer   can   help   clarify the understanding of the basic elements of the language picture of the world.



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Literary criticism