Students’ knowledge assessment in online learning


  • Nataliya Tikhonova


knowledge assessment, pandemic, distance learning, online learning, online exam, alternative assessment


The sudden transition of the higher education institutions around the world to e-learning in the time of COVID-19 pandemic has raised significant challenges. A particular challenge in the context of remote learning has been the search for valid online assessment tools, measuring student knowledge and skills and organizing student examinations on line. Academic dishonesty and poor performance of traditional assessment methods based on the mechanical reproduction of memorized learning materials have become increasingly challenging issues.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the challenges, including ethical and technical issues, related to conducting assessments activities and end-of-term examinations from a distance. Based on the experience of different countries during the global health crisis, various strategies and solutions for online student knowledge assessment are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the redesigning and improving the mainstream measurement methods, the introducing of flexible modes of examination, the using of alternative assessments aimed at developing students' creativity and critical thinking, such as project work, digital portfolios, open book exams, and the increasing the importance of multiple and regular assessments throughout the duration of a course.



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Pedagogical Sciences