Instructions for Authors

Publication procedure

Materials are accepted for consideration only by e-mail.

The journal publishes original and review articles containing new scientific results, as well as short scientific reports devoted to a comprehensive study of the history, current state and development prospects of the countries of the Central Asian region.

The volume of articles is not less than 20,000 characters, excluding annotation, keywords, figures, tables and cited literature.

The submitted manuscript must be accompanied by the signatures of all authors at the end of the manuscript under the following provisions:

  • the submitted material has not been previously published anywhere and is currently not being considered for publication in other publications;
  • I am familiar with the rules for authors;
  • the authors have no conflicts of interest related to this publication (if there are two or more authors);
  • the authors give their consent to the placement of the published article in full-text databases.

These provisions should be typed at the end of the manuscript.

The editorial office of the journal is provided with:

  • electronic version of the article in MS Word format;
  • expert opinion on the possibility of publication.

All manuscripts of articles submitted to the editorial office are checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Articles containing elements of plagiarism and self-plagiarism are automatically removed from consideration, and the authors of these articles are deprived of the opportunity to publish their work in the journal in the future.

Not accepted for consideration:

  • articles not drawn up according to the rules;
  • articles that are not scientific in style of presentation;
  • articles containing elements of plagiarism and self-plagiarism, gross grammatical errors, as well as a non-article list of references and references to it in the text.

Manuscripts of articles are reviewed. The decision to publish an article is made by the editorial board of the journal based on the reviewer review.

The manuscript of an article can be rejected both at the stage of reviewing and at the stage of editing.

Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be returned back.

The editorial board does not charge a fee for the submission, consideration and publication of articles.

Preparation of articles

To submit an article, authors must confirm the following points. The manuscript can be returned to the authors if it does not correspond to them.

  1. This article has not previously been published, nor has it been submitted for review or publication in another journal (or explained in the Editor's Notes).
  2. The submitted article file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document format.
  3. Full internet addresses (URLs) are provided for links where applicable.
  4. The text is typed with one and a half line spacing; the size of the font is used in 14 points; italics are used for emphasis, not underlining (except for Internet addresses); all illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the appropriate places in the text, and not at the end of the document.
  5. The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Guide for Authors located on the About the Journal page.
  6. If you submit an article to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, then the requirements of the document Ensuring Blind Peer Review are met.


The names and email addresses entered on the site of this magazine will be used solely for the purposes indicated by this magazine and will not be used for any other purpose or provided to other individuals and organizations.