“Patricide” in the german drama of the last and present turn of the century


  • Anzhela Lisenko


expressionism, generation gap, patricide, the latest German drama, theme of violence


This article is devoted to the theme of patricide in the German drama of the turn of the19-20th and 20-21st centuries. Patricide is, as a rule, a resolution of the generation gap. The appeal to the drama of the last and present turn of the century is explained by the fact that exactly at turning points of society development the generation gap gets special importance. Expressionistic plays "The   Son"   by   W.   Hasenclever   and   A.   Bronnen's   "Vatermord" as well as works by modern German playwrights   – "Tätowierung" by D.   Loher, "Wermut" by K. Shlender and “Fireface” (“Feuergesicht”) by M. fon Mayenburg are analyzed in the article. All the plays are united not only by the generation gap, but also by the theme of violence in a family. At the same time the conflict in expressionistic plays is socially determined, patricide is committed for the sake of release and further development. In the latest drama patricide doesn’t lead to the resolution of the conflict, and the generation gap is not connected with a protest of the younger generation, but caused by aggression and irresponsibility of the senior generation. Children in the modern drama are not rebels, they are victims. Patricide in modern plays doesn’t give a place to a "new person" as it was in expressionism. Neither fathers, nor children have prospects.



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Literary criticism